How are we changing the world?

When we started this course 4 years ago, we did not anticipate this to become such a huge success. In this 3 years, NetworKing Inc. channel on YouTube has over 185,000 subscribers and over 11 million views online. It brings us immense pleasure to see so many students being benefitted by this course.

But being happy with the success of our product is one thing and having the capital to support this project is another. In spite of having multiple requests and opportunities to commercialize this course, we consciously made a decision to keep this as a Free YouTube course. But now this project is becoming big and hence we will have to have full-time trainers creating new contents.

We have 2 options:

  • Commercialize this course and make this a subscription model
  • Rely on donations from viewers like yourself

We believe you would be kind enough to support us so that we can keep this FREE for many deserving students who cannot afford commercial training. Even small contributions like $10 are accepted.